Spectrograph image tools
Spectrograph image tools

spectrograph image tools

Spectral phasor analysis based on Fourier transformation of spectra and plotting them on a 2D plot.Multi endmembers spatial mixture analysis based on the SMA algorithm.

spectrograph image tools

Principal component analysis - could also be used to determine endmembers, projection on principal axes could permit endmember selection.Vertex Component Analysis - works on the fact that the affine transformation of a simplex is another simplex which helps to find hidden (folded) vertices of the simplex.Independent Component Analysis Endmember Extraction Algorithm - works by assuming that pure pixels occur independently than mixed pixels.Pixels with the highest scores are deemed to be spectrally pure. A pixel receives a score when it represent an extremum of all the projections. Pixel Purity Index Works by projecting each pixel onto one vector from a set of random vectors spanning the reflectance space.Some algorithms to perform unmixing are listed below: Many algorithms assume that pure pixels (pixels which contain only one materials) are present in a scene. There are many algorithms to unmix hyperspectral data each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Unmixing (Endmember Detection) Algorithms Non-linear mixing results from multiple scattering often due to non-flat surface such as buildings and vegetation. Abundance Sum-to-one Constraint (ASC) - the elements of x must sum to one. Abundance Nonnegativity Constraint (ANC) - each element of x is positive.Ģ. For example, solar physicists use the spectroheliograph to make images of the Sun built up by scanning the slit of a spectrograph, to study the behavior of surface features on the Sun such a spectroheliogram may have a spectral resolution of over 100,000 ( λ / Δ λ satisfying the two constraints:ġ.


Some spectral images contain only a few image planes of a spectral data cube, while others are better thought of as full spectra at every location in the image. More precisely, it is the simultaneous acquisition of spatially coregistered images in many spectrally contiguous bands.

spectrograph image tools

In imaging spectroscopy (also hyperspectral imaging or spectral imaging) each pixel of an image acquires many bands of light intensity data from the spectrum, instead of just the three bands of the RGB color model. Ash plumes on Kamchatka Peninsula, eastern Russia.

Spectrograph image tools